Life Through Black-Colored Glasses

It has become an industry to look at life through black-colored glasses.

The raw materials are black-vs-white incidents, black-vs-white disparities, black-vs-white voting blocks, black-vs-white law enforcement, and black-vs-white outcomes.

The products of this industry are race divisiveness, white-race guilt, and black-race victimization.

The profits are banked by industry manufacturers. Their accounts grow every year: more money, more political power, more adherents to their cause, and more stature as a legitimate cause, competing with other reasonable causes.

In the history of the world, no nation has ever expended so much money, so much time, passed so many laws and spent so much effort to improve the lives of a single race of people as has the United States of America. God Bless America and the people’s thirst for justice that has produced such an effort. America should be admired. Native Americans, Native Alaskans, and Native Hawaiians never received this level of political and economic support from the US government as much as the black race in America.

It’s an industry that keeps America looking through black-colored glasses and they will tell you there is more to be done.

The NAACP has spent 100 plus years advancing the cause of the black race in America. They have achieved incredible results.

The passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 linked the Democrat Party to liberalism and the causes opposing discrimination for the past 50 years.

Which leads to the question: “If, after all this time, effort, and expense, why hasn’t the hue and cry about racism been destroyed in America?” Indeed, the political, economic, and educational systems that embraced and fostered racism have been destroyed.

The answer is likely because the black-colored-glasses industry finds new racial products to manufacture and promote. And like many other kinds of products in the market place, it is the same product with new advertising and a new “look”.

I don’t foresee the industry going away any time soon. There is a new generation of Americans to be bound to its cause through the promotion of what is called “disparities”. It is not enough to have equal opportunity; there must now be equal outcomes between blacks and whites.

At some point in time, the industry that spawns divisiveness, white-race guilt, and black-race victimization will run out of buyers for its products. Like buggy whips, 8-track cartridges, pay telephones, and shag carpeting, this industry will fall by the wayside.

I hope that time comes soon. I’m sick of it now.

Author: Reasonable Citizen

Reserved, inquisitive, looks before leaping,

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